Wednesday, January 8, 2014

When it's bad, it's bad

This week were talking about foreplay, and how it can be really really good or really really bad. Women and men are very different. Many men are able to "get it up" and be ready to go right away. Where as women need to "preheat your oven". Now, I realize everyone is different, but I'm being very general here. 

There's this guy I've known for years, we will call him the Rapper. We met through mutual friends and went on a date several years ago. He kissed me and I got very irritated with him because I wasn't feeling it. And I don't like to move too fast when I'm dating. I've seen him over the years and we've managed to be friendly, I would consider him a good acquaintance. Over Thanksgiving break, we ran into each other at a bar, and he asked me on a date. He is looking cuter than before so I said yes.

It was a great date. He took me to really nice restaurant, however, he was being a little cheap. He ordered an appetizer and then said well that should be enough food so let's just get a side of okra. I was laughing in my head. After dinner he walked me to my car, I was having a good time so we ended up sitting to my car in talking which led to making out for two hours. People were walking by and laughing at us but I paid $20 to park in the garage, all night long, so I was making the most of that 20 bucks.

Afterwards I drove him home and made the fatal mistake of asking to use his bathroom. I really had to go, like I would pee myself, but I really should just peed on myself. We started making out and the next thing I know he grabs a condom. I asked "why do you need a condom?" He told me "just in case" but I explain there would be no reason for one. We continue to make out and then hear the condom wrapper open. I say "why did you open up the condom?" He said "I thought it was okay and you're ready to have sex" I said "no! I told you we weren't having sex". His reply? "But I already open the condom." That fucking pissed me off. Are you fucking kidding me? How much is a condom cost? A dollar. So I told them "okay fine if you can make me come I will have sex with you."

Now backing up for a second when we had our 2 hour long make out session, he kept telling me how much he loved performing oral sex. Well you could've fooled me! He went down on me for three minutes and then said "did you come yet?" Hmmm.... No. So back down he goes, three minutes later, again "did you come yet?" Are you kidding me? I told him "you will know when that happens." He was way too eager, and a liar. Either he really doesn't like going down on girls or is not very good at it. But somehow someway I did finally have an orgasm. We had sex, it really sucked. I regretted it at the moment it was done.

The next day, he texted me after I got home and told me he had no expectations for our date. But I disagree. I was very clear that I didn't want to have sex too soon but he was very pushy. It's not like he raped me or anything, but obviously he did not listen. He's a good guy, but he needs a woman who is a pushover. I don't think he can handle a strong woman like me. We are mismatched in what he's looking for. And that is okay! Not everyone is meant for everyone. 

But to my readers, please understand that foreplay is vital. Women take time to get in the mood for passion. Take your time with us. 

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