Wednesday, March 19, 2014

why i hated this season of "the bachelor"

i'm not a huge fan of reality tv because i'm too much of a realist and i tend to nit pick things that are supposed to be real.  we all know it's scripted.  that said, i have become a (fickle) fan of the bachelor(ette).  as a single woman, it's appealing to spend 1-2 hours shutting your brain off and imagining a handsome man whisking you away with the hope of true love on the horizon.

of all the bachelor shows i've seen, this was my LEAST favorite.  first off, juan pablo is a fucking asshole.  the final episode made me so mad because it reminded me of all the assholes i've had the misfortune of dating.  men who are emotionally unavailable should go on craigslist casual encounters, a glory hole spot, buy a masturbation sleeve from me... or go to therapy.  they don't belong on dating websites and they most certainly don't belong on a national dating show!!!

(public enemy #1)

but we want to believe they DO want what we want... so we look past the warning signs, keep our heads down, and hope for the best. 

at least, this is what several of these chicks did.

i noticed early on that juan pablo had the same canned responses, but it wasn't until he told clare in the helicopter "i loved fucking you" after she asked if he loved her that i started to see red.  and then "after the final rose" when he "really liked" nikki but still won't say "i love you".  can you say PUBLICITY STUNT?!?!?!  absolutely disgusting.

some may say that these chicks should have expected it but i disagree.  speaking very generally (and about myself), women are hardwired to love and be in love.  everyone wants someone who will make them happy, care for them, someone to come home to......... i know i want that.  and i believe at the very least nikki and clare wanted that too.

why are men the ones with an upper hand???  why can they be devoid of feelings and women are supposed to expect that?  is it all a part of "playing the game"?

it's so frustrating!  i attempted to play the game back and act like a man, act like i didn't care and wasn't developing feelings for someone... but either way, they win.  WHERE ARE THE MEN THAT WANT A RELATIONSHIP?  DO THEY EVEN EXIST?!?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

it's all about you

hello readers!  i'm updating this week from sunny sin city las vegas, nv.  i'm here for my companies annual convention and i'm having the most amazing time.

this week i want to flip the tables and hear from YOU!!!  what's your best dating in the district moment?  it can be good, bad, or ugly but we want to hear about it!!!

comment below! :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


sometimes i pre-write my blog posts since i'm so freaking busy and i don't want to skip a week... i happened to write out this week's blog post when i was feeling upset, angry, and lonely.  i haven't read it since and will be deleting the word document.  spreading negativity does nothing for you.  i simply needed to get those negative emotions out and keep it moving.

(seriously.... words to live by)

wednesday is my un-official day off and i have 412 things to do to get ready for my vegas trip this weekend.  i chose to seize the day and take myself on a date.  right now, i don't feel that i'm attracting the quality guys that i want and deserve in my life and that doesn't make me feel great.  so i'm looking for ways to treat myself to nice things to make myself feel good!  so today was all about me, getting ready for my trip, and doing what i wanted to do.  i dyed my hair, got a latte, got a manicure and pedicure, and went shopping.  my haul: rose scented candles, 2 MAC lipsticks, moisturizer, coffee pods, jewelry, and a few gifts for friends "just because".  when i was walking around doing my thing, i had an inner dialog going on about this specific entry.  when i thought about how i chose my happiness over feeling sad about a lack of love, i felt myself stand taller, prouder, and content.  it's amazing how it's as simple as a choice.

i want to get back into the swing of dating regularly.  i have so much love to give and i feel like i'd make an amazing girlfriend to a worthy man.  i won't sweat it for now.  one of my besties told me that when i'm with a guy, my business tends to slow down... but when i'm single, i'm rocking it out.  2014 has been a great year for me professionally and i don't want to lose ANY momentum.  ain't nobody got time for that!!!!