Wednesday, January 9, 2013

the three day long date

after my second failed attempt at okcupid, i deleted my account and had essentially given up on all internet dating. then my BFF came to visit for thanksgiving.

okcupid has this cool "locals" feature where you can shout out to meet up with others in your area. we've had fun and met some interesting people in the past by using it, so i reluctantly created another profile and gave BFF the task of filling it out for me. now, my BFF has masters degree in writing and she's so smart and creative. here's my profile:

My self-summary One time I threw up off the Eiffel Tower and when I went back down, the puke was gone.

What I’m doing with my life Going on adventures. Consulting small business owners. Traveling.

I’m really good at Laughing

The first things people usually notice about me How I'm always having a good time

The most private thing I’m willing to admit I hate cooked carrots

You should message me if You are interesting and intelligent, you like having adventures, you tell good stories.

needless to say, i got a TON of messages. it's all about the allure. many replies are about the eiffel tower. met a couple of guys but it didn't lead to anything. and then i got a message from JK - a fellow redskins fan, has a great career, seems happy. i'm intrigued but one drawback... he's white.

i haven't dated a white man in about 7 years. i'm not attracted to white men. the white men i've dated in the past have had an issue with my weight almost immediately after we started dating. and being that i was much younger, i didn't tell them to fuck off but instead wondered what was wrong with me. but.... JK seemed nice and BFF encouraged me to give him a chance. so i did.

for our first date, we met at the atlas room in DC for an amazing dinner and speciality cocktails. i liked JK immediately. he was funny, we had so many random things in common, and he had great energy. after dinner, we had drinks at another bar and then made out against the bank of america atm. hot.

date two was another fancy dinner, more drinks, more kissing. i'm really liking this guy. i'm telling my friends about how awesome he is. he's a little overzealous with his texting, but he's trying to show me he's interested.

and then, we had our third date.

my sister and her new boyfriend were going out for drinks in old town, so i asked JK to join us for a double date. he picked me up, we bar hopped all over. i got pretty lit (as i tend to do) and we're back at my house, having (really bad) sex. i blame all the whiskey we drank. whiskey dick does exist.

the next day (day 2), we spent the day watching football. he tells me how much he loves giving body massages and how amazing our sex life will be. he says "i'm in this for the long haul". now i liked the first two things, but the last thing is scary for me. but again, i'm being open minded here. it's nice to hear, a little scary, but it gave me butterflies.

then we had sex again. bad again, possibly even worse than the night before. he's pushing my head down to his nether regions... i'd much prefer a man to say "suck my dick" or something equally lewd rather than giving me a semi concussion trying to force me down. I HATE THAT SHIT. he asks me "how many orgasms did you have?" me-zero his response? "oh" zero should be a challenge. not an "oh".

he spends the night again and wakes up to go to work at the ass crack of dawn....

.... and then he comes back after work. 0.o

at this point, i'm starting to feel incredibly resentful. this man is laying around my house like he lives here. this is not going to work for me! and i think he sensed it, because after leaving my house that night i didn't hear from him again. we had great chemistry and i think in another situation, we could have been great friends. but aside from that we aren't compatible. i'm not the type of woman who wants a guy moving in with me after a third date.

since JK, i've had a few other dates... and i can't wait to share those with you. :)