Wednesday, November 27, 2013

colorado is for lovers

colorado is one of my absolute favorite places to visit, hands down.  my BFF, erica, lives there, i've made some great friends, everyone is so chill and kind, the scenery is amazing.... if you've been to colorado, you'll understand what i mean.  i fell in love with the rockies on my first visit in 2004 and i've been back 4 more times, falling deeper in love with the most amazing state EVER!

last year on my BFF visit, erica treated me to a getaway in eagle, colorado... a tiny bump in the road town past vail and 2 hours west of denver.  eagle is a bit of a slower pace than this DC gal is used to.  the town has 1 grocery store, 2 bars, a chinese restaurant... and that's it.  i'm not sure what the allure of eagle is, but we had so much fun last year, we decided to visit again on my trip this summer.  memories of shooting stars and seeing the milky way on the railroad tracks, townie friends at brush creek saloon, and the mountain lion guarding the graveyard were waiting for us.

(let's see where our journey takes us....)

the first night we arrived, there was a karaoke night at the one bar that stays open past midnight.  we sang our hearts out to green day and NIN while enjoyed free shots from one of the locals.  we made some new friends and did our usual lay on the railroad tracks and watch for shooting stars.  one of the guys in our group was a young, sweet guy... mountain man.  he offered to take me and erica inter tubing down the river and we exchanged numbers and made plans to meet up in the morning.  he seemed nice enough, kinda cute, and hopefully not insane.

the next day, we all met up and decided to instead go to the radium hot springs since it was a little cold for tubing.  we hiked for awhile to the springs and rock climbed down... it was a bit intense for me but i did it and was really proud of my accomplishments! we had a great time with new friends at the hot springs until this 50+ year old creeper dude appeared and decided it was a GREAT idea to skinny dip in the springs with 4 women... disgusting.  we jetted out of there and back to the car ASAP!

(not kidding when i say it was an intense rock scramble.. i did it in flip flops)

as we were hiking down the mountain, i slipped and went down down down... it was terrifying.  mountain man came to my rescue and thankfully, i didn't break anything.  i was however bleeding and i scraped up my arm and leg pretty good.

(i still have scars from that day)

i think back to when was the moment that i fell totally head over heels for my mountain man.  i think it was when i fell down that mountain.  he was so gentle with me and i felt like he rescued me.  walking the rest of the way down that steep decline, he took my hands and made sure i was safe.  i've never had a man be so concerned about my well-being.  it felt good to be protected.  I AM HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!

erica and i were leaving to go back to denver the next day, but i wasn't ready to say goodbye to my mountain man.  him and his friend followed us back to denver and the four of us spent 24/7 together until i left to come home to DC.  it was the most magical five days of my life... we did goth night, walked around denver, ate lots of pizza, candy, more pizza.  we spent a full day in boulder getting wasted on $3 sakis, riding long boards, talking to elves, making out in parking garages... laughing until we cried at pho, tool singalongs.. so much laughter. 

saying goodbye was so hard, but i held onto all the memories of our fun together, and hoped that we would see each other again one day... i knew he was special when erica told me she thinks he's my future husband.  BFF's for 15 years and she has never said that about any man!

fearful we wouldn't reconnect for 50+ years, or worse, never, i held out hope that we would once again reconnect outside of facebook and occasional texts or talking on the phone.


mountain man is coming to see me in three days!  i feel like a kid waiting for christmas.  and better yet, he's coming when erica is home so we can hang and relive some colorado adventures.  my heart may explode from the excitement between spending time with my mom, seeing my BFF, and seeing the man that makes me heart flutter.

i know what you're thinking........  FINALLY, A POSITIVE DATING POST!!  it's been so long overdue, my friends. :)

bill is an asshole

by popular demand, i will be updating this blog every wednesday (HAPPY HUMP DAY)!!!  

bill is this guy i had the displeasure of meeting through mutual friends back in 2010.  he's a preppy white dude, think georgetown prep or old DC money.  he looks like a skinnier, cuter version of seth rogen.

(i can work with this...)

i was initially attracted to him because he's a sarcastic asshole and i used to like assholes... we fooled around a couple times and ultimately, he wasn't looking for anything serious so we parted ways.  better to find out early.  recently we started talking again via facebook messenger.  he seems to have grown up a bit, super flirty, and wants to take me out to founding farmers for dinner.  FF is a *really nice* restaurant here in DC, the wait list is ridic, and i had a new dress from gwynnie bee so i was looking forward to our date that sunday.

the friday before our date, he was in my area and i needed help with something around the house, so he came over and helped out... and we fooled around.  i knew in the back of my mind that inviting him over before the date could mean the date was off, but it was imperative i get my house thing done, so... yeah.

maybe i manifested it or perhaps i've become astute when it comes to men, but it was no shock that sunday came and went and there was no date.

this week's lesson, single gals...
trust your gut, you're probably right.  don't "hang out" pre date because you'll miss out on some amazing crab cakes and prohibition style cocktails.

Monday, November 25, 2013


oh readers, i have sooo much to share!! :)  life has been intense since my last update (the one prior to a smorgasbord of men, this entry has been in draft form for awhile).  i lost my beloved nana to dementia, i went on two vacations and one business trip, and i turned thirty-one.  i will admit to being a bit "eek" and i do feel that (younger) people look at me a bit differently now when i tell them my age.  i chock that up to my good looks... and i've been dating more than ever, so that's great news for you!!

let's talk about sweden.  the guy, not the country.  he's blonde haired, blue eyes, muscle built guy, very strong accent, twenty-five years old, and he has these crazy awesome tattoos of werewolves, ancient bears, and an eagle.  YES. this darling lives in sweden but was visiting the states and cruising with his cousin and friend.  i met him at the nightclub on our girls cruise last month.  he asked for a smoke and we started chatting, he bought me a drink, and then we're on the dance floor with him sticking his tongue down my throat.  and in true "I'M ON VACATION" fashion, i went with it!

(he bought me a drink, but he didn't ask me what i wanted to drink.  i had a bad experience in las vegas a few years ago with winning 13 blackjacks in one night and also doing 13 shots of jagermeister.  i swore to never drink that shit again after feeling like i might die of alcohol poisoning the next day.  also, fuck licquorise.)

before long, we go back to his room to make out and his roommate is there, asleep.  hello college dorm circa 2000!  you only live once, right?  we didn't have sex because i wasn't trying to give his roommate a show, plus we didn't have a condom.  that didn't stop him from asking me if he could have anal sex with me...... men don't seem to understand that condoms are for more then preventing pregnancy...  guess the sex education in sweden didn't cover that.  instead, i sat on his face and we made a date for sex the following day.

the next day, our day at sea, he comes to my cabin where i'm staying with two of my girlfriends.  did i mention i'm sleeping on the top bunk?  seeing as how having sex on a bunk bed is a bit difficult, i had already hit my head several times simply climbing into bed to sleep, i decide the only solution is to have sex on my friend's bed.  that's what friends are for?  don't worry, reader, i'm not some hussy.  i used my own comforter and pillows as not to "dirty up" my roomies bed.  she knows i'd do it for her <3 AB <3 

somehow my bag of 412 condoms didn't make it in my suitcase.  AB retrievied a condom from the steward and we were ready to go.  i'll say this, if we'd had sex the night before, i bet ya it would have been reallllllllllly good. but at this point, i'm stone cold sober so it was ehhhhhhh... and he came too quickly.  we said our goodbyes and went about our merry ways, knowing we'd just had a one night cruise stand. 

(apparently this happens a lot, as i discovered doing my research for this entry...)

i went about my day, hanging out with the girls, laughing, eating, and gambling.  the last day of the cruise we're all stuck on the boat so you tend to explore more... and you also run into everyone.  so when i was at the casino cashing out my winnings and i noticed sweden, i went over to say hello and chit chat.

me: hey sweden, how's it going, are you winning?
sweden: uhm........... hi.

it was one of the most awkward experiences i've ever had.  and then it dawned on me......  IF YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE SEX ON A CRUISE SHIP, MAKE SURE IT HAPPENS THE LAST NIGHT SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE THIS AWKWARD CONVERSATION IN A CRUISE SHIP CASINO!!!!!  i made light of it, of course... for the remainder of the day when i'd run into my girlfriends, i'd say "uhm........... hi".  it gave me the giggles.  :) 

let this be a lesson to you, single cruise goers.  pack your condoms, make a game plan for where you're going to smush, and do it on the last night.  you're welcome.

a smorgasbord of men

well, a lot has happened since my update three months ago.  i met the man of my dreams, the mountain man (AKA my future husband, according to my BFF).  when i was visiting my BFF in colorado over the summer, we went to a tiny mountain town for some fun.  we met this young guy who offered to be our tour guide and he took us to a natural hot springs in radium, co.  when we were hiking back, i literally fell down the mountain and cut/bruised myself up pretty bad.  the mountain man saved me and that was it.  we spent the next five days together until i left to come home, and i'm really excited to see him again when he comes to visit me next week.  i think i have stars in my eyes. :) 

i came home from my trip painfully missing my mountain man.  something i never shared with this blog was that i dated another man off and on for 8 (grueling) years.  coming home to that lazy, uncaring asshole made me realize this "relationship" wasn't right for me.  things progressed downhill even further until we officially broke it off for good last month.  then 10 days later, he has a new girlfriend... don't waste any time!  i was hurt to hear the news, but i have a lot of good things going on in my life so i choose to ignore the few bad things that pop up.  i feel sorry for the new girlfriend and she can now put up with driving his ass around, being called "a bitch" 412 times a day, and no foreplay.

since i'm now single and my love lives far away, i've been dating more.  which has meant a LOT of sex.  and wading thru a lot of bullshit.

(if only my prospects looked like joseph gordon-levitt and cillian murphy)

  • sweden, a 25 year old arian dude i met on my cruise to mexico.  he was really obsessed with his brother being gay, he had tattoos of ancient animals, he was a miner, and when i told him i didn't have a condom, he tried to stick me in my butt.
  • bill c., who did a drive by and then no showed for our date.  and yes i am using his real name because he's a fucking asshole.  and not that good in bed.
  • the backyard lover, a man from my past who visits me, buys me shit, and tries to do naughty things to me in my backyard.  the jury is out on this one... 
  • sheet ripper, he made me rip my bed sheets but he doesn't have much going on between his ears.  he also has no concept of time.  and he's a cowboys fan... talk about sleeping with the enemy.  #HTTR
  • the raver dater, who's actually into house music.  we went on 4 dates, had sex, and then suddenly he's too busy to communicate.  huh.. yeah.
  • sean l., who i dated in college, we reconnected one night and i found out later he has a girlfriend.  you think you'd mention that??? and yes i am using his real name because he's a fucking asshole.  and not that good in bed.  HI SEAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and lastly is my new friend i met the other night.  if i had a penis, i would have a serious boner even thinking about this man.

i'm one of those women who is shy to approach men and i prefer them to come to me... but that doesn't always happen.  i went to the bar with one of my besties for a fun night out and spotted this glorious man candy, we'll call him the rocker.  tall, salt n pepper hair, piercing blue eyes.  really fucking hot.  i stared him down for a bit and nothing happened.  later that night, i got up the courage to approach him.  i asked if he was alone and could i buy him a drink?  we spent the rest of the night talking and trying to stay warm.  he was kind enough to offer my bestie his coat and his good looks compliment his good personality.  i invited him back to my house where we spent 2 hours tangled up in each other which only left me wanting more.  and based on his texts, i think he feels the same.  i don't know that this will go anywhere, but the rocker is far better than the other dudes i've been seeing.  he's cute, he has a job and a car, he plays guitar, he's hot, he seems to like me.  that's what i call a good distraction.

if i had to pick one man to be with, hands down without hesitation, it would be my mountain man.  but since he now lives in ohio and i'm in virginia, it's unfair to both of us to call dibs or try to carry out a long distance relationship.  i worry deep down that we will get together when we're like 70 and i don't want to wait that long to be with him.  so for now, i date, and i hope for the best.  i'm having fun. :)  the single life isn't so bad!