Monday, October 17, 2011

Oops, I did it again

I did something I never thought I'd do... I joined OkCupid again. For those of you not in the know, OKC is a free dating website, trolling with men looking for one night stands. It's like Craigslist casual encounters but with more dialogue and pictures. The last time I was on OKC was the source of most of the blog posts you'll find on here. Needless to say, I haven't had the best of luck.

I've neglected this blog for close to two months because I haven't had anything to write about. Sure, there's the guy from your past trying to make a booty call or phone numbers exchanged at bars but that's it. Those are status updates on Facebook and I need blog material.

Let's hope this time I have more positive stories to write about then crazy ones.

I also signed up for speed dating... Stay tuned.