Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Back to School, Back to Dating

Back to school is upon us. My Facebook feed is full of adorable pictures of kids dressed to the nines and that twinkle of excitement and hope for a new year. 

I fondly remember back to school shopping with my mom and hoping that this would be the year I would have more than one friend or the year I would finally fit in. It's so funny how life changes and how quirkiness becomes cool. 

The last time I wrote you, I was feeling overwhelmingly sad at my failed relationship. I was totally into the gym man, probably way too much. I needed some time to lick my wounds and recover. This is a dating blog and the last thing on my mind was dating. 

I've decided in the spirit of back to school to get myself back to dating. It's time! I have a bunch of cute dresses, my hair is finally the length I want, and a lot of you have asked when I'm going to start writing again. So here I am. 

Back on OkCupid. Back to wearing Pure Instinct pheromone cologne when I go out.... Which could be hazardous to my health. 

I've been stuck in the rut of meeting guys that I like but I'm too chicken shit to tell them (fucking fear of rejection) or guys that are waaaaaay into me and my life. 

I had my first date after a long hiatus a few weeks ago. I met him at a bacon party I attended with my bestie. The guy seemed nice and nerdy, physically not my type but my girlfriends always give me shit for being too picky. 

A few days after the party, he sent me a friends request on Facebook. I friended him back because I figured he was one of those people who friended anyone he met. We exchange some private messages before he asked me out to lunch, I agreed. 

The first red flag on our date were his white socks, pulled up to just below his knees with sneakers and khaki shorts. I suppose I should've been happy he wasn't wearing brown flip-flops too. He didn't hold the door open for me (some people don't care about this, but I do), but most importantly, his cuticles were disgusting. I take a lot of pride in my appearance and feel when you going on a date with someone, you should have it together. Another HUGE red flag was his cat. I love cats, they're my furry BFFs. But he shared with me that his 15-year-old cat had cancer, and he was spending $400 a week on chemotherapy treatments. All I could think was, I don't want to be around when that cat dies.

I knew on our date that there was no romantic connection there, no chemistry. I did offer to pay, he declined.  But it wasn't until after our date that the real insanity began. Facebook messages and texting me all day long, liking 25 of my pictures in a row... That's the equivalent of holding your dick in one hand and liking my pictures with the other. Gross. 

When I was on vacation in Amsterdam, he messaged me constantly and continued liking my photos constantly. I started feeling bad, so I messaged him and thanked him for liking all of my photos but I wasn't looking for a romantic relationship with him. 

He replied that he understood. The next day he began liking every single photo again and messaging me again. I realized dude can't take a hint, so I had to block him. Whomp whomp.
In conclusion, it's good to be back in the saddle and I'm grateful that there are many fish in the sea!