Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The third one's a charm

Hi. I'm back. I've been busy.

I had three dates this week -- one with the gym man and the others with some new OkCupid guys.

I haven't posted much recently because there hasn't been much to share. The gym man still continues to not know what he wants but he's good in bed, so I've been keeping him around for fun. He's a decent, attractive guy and he takes me out to dinner, we have good conversations. But after breaking my heart twice, I'm not letting him get that close again.

I had another date with a guy who also has an anatomically correct human heart on his arm, like me. Pretty cool. He pissed me off by nearly standing me up for dinner, but we made it work. Good conversation with him too and I think I would pursue him more if it weren't for guy #3.

I will call him.... Metal Man. I'm kind of crazy about him. He had contacted me on OkCupid and after a lot of talking on there, we moved to texting and then meeting for coffee. Our coffee date was 8 hours of walking around Old Town, eating sushi, talking and getting to know each other. Our second date happened after the above heart on the arm dudes date. I simply couldn't stop thinking about MM, so after my previous date we met up for drinks. Which turned into listening to music in my car, talking for hours, and then watching the sunrise over to Potomac. And then there was my friends birthday BBQ. I brought him as my date. So 3 dates with him, talking daily on text... I totally think this is my next boyfriend. And I've waited so long and waded thru so much shit..... But as excited and hopeful as I am, I'm scared shitless! It's terrifying for me to put myself out there like this. I am choosing hope. Cross your fingers for me. :)