Wednesday, December 18, 2013

the gym man

this week's blog is about unrequited love, second chances, and looking like an asshole.  here's a song to enjoy while you read:

in an attempt to get healthier, i joined a bougie $72 a month gym that was full of hot bodies, fancy workout machines, and some really killer yoga and pilates classes.  after only being a gym member for a couple weeks, i noticed a guy and thought he was really cute.  tall, black, very thin, handsome face.  i often had staring contests with the back of his head and of course would quickly look away when he did recognize i was staring at him.  this went on for a couple of months, because i'm overly shy and have a fear of rejection.

one day, to my excitement and surprise, the gym man got up on the treadmill next to me and we started talking.  he asked me about my tattoos as a way to break the ice and we made plans to see each other again at the gym.  i hadn't planned on going to the gym that next day as i had a party, but i really wanted to run into him again so off i went.  we connected the following day, exchanged phone numbers, and made plans to go on a date.

our first date he took me out for sushi and we walked around the waterfront. really awesome date!  i did break my rule and i kissed him on the first date. 

 (my rule is if i really like you, i don't kiss you on the first date)

we dated for about 2 months.  i was really starting to develop strong feelings for him and fantasizing about him being my boyfriend.  since he wasn't bringing it up i decided that 2 months was long enough.... so i broached the subject and basically was told that he was not looking for a relationship, that he's still hung up on ex-girlfriend.  i was very hurt and that was the end of that.  that was last summer.

now, gym man was always very good about checking in on you.  even though things didn't work out the first time, he still texted me on my birthday and thanksgiving and he seemed genuinely interested in me and my life.  i remember driving home from the bar thanksgiving night last year and we were exchanging flirty texts, and that was where things picked up again.  but this time it was different.  he was more involved, there were more dates, and more sleepover parties.  i was really feeling like things were finally beginning to work in my favor.

fast forward to february 2013, i expressed to him i thought it was weird that i have never met any of his friends before.  between this time and last time, we've been dating 4 months, he's met my sister and even my bestie from kansas city.  so lo and behold, the next time we talk, he invites me to friends superbowl party.  i'm so excited that i cancel my own superbowl party!

(it's ok, only one person RSVPED)

i get to go meet his friends who all seemed to like me, we had an amazing time at the party.  i'm feeling like i've finally met a guy who i think is super cute, i'm crazy about him, he makes me want to go to the gym more, and all around pretty postitive things.  my sister really liked him too.

a couple weeks after the superbowl party, i started to get ansty again.  i wasn't sure where we stood and he wasn't saying anything to me.  i'm feeling some kind of way and i need to know what he's feeling.  so i talked to him and he basically told me he wasn't ready.  AGAIN.  at this point i'm floored because i feel like a fucking idiot for not only dating him once and having him do that, but dating him a second time.  he told me that he still was hanging out with his ex, as friends.  they weren't intimate but they did go on weekly costco trips together because they shared a membership.  and she was a manipulator and he was unable to get away from her.  what a fucking bag of testicles.

(street justice?)

i kinda let him off the hook a bit.  i tend to be bitchy with people i'm not as close to, whereas the people i am close to i'm a pussy around them.  i need to switch that up... anyway... 

so i'm all FUCK THIS GUY.  i was sad, gave myself a month, and i moved on.  i blocked him on facebook, i deleted his number from my phone, i excorcised him from my life because that's what you gotta do sometimes.

last week, i got a text from a number i don't recognize asking me something about the redskins.  my curiousity is piqued.  i ask who it is and after a couple back and forth texts of them not wanting to say who it is, they reply and say it's the gym man.  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?  OMG. *sigh*

in an asshole fashion, i kinda pick at him and tell him he's an idiot because i'm the best woman ever, he had TWO chances with me, and he blew both of them! i did also send him a picture of me looking all sexy in mexico, on the beach in a hammock, with my nice juicy booty in the air and said "YOU COULD HAVE HAD THIS".  maybe that was a little bit mean, but fuck him.  he fucking deserves that shit.

(i mean, seriously.  i am someone's dream girl.)

at this point, i feel like i've made him feel like a fucking douchebag tool.  while i can honestly say that i'm not into revenge, i did take some pleasure in making him feel like shit and letting him know that he isn't privy to my facebook, that i don't even give him a second thought because he's not in my phone, and i really hope that he thinks twice when he dates the next girl and does the same shit to her.

gym man's problem is that he's obsessed with his ex-girlfriend.  i just don't get it and i don't say this to be hating on other women, but i find that a lot of the guys i tend to date go for the mousey girls.  and i'm far from mousey.  i have a big personality,  i'm gorgeous, i dress well, i try to be put together.  i run a successful business, i have my own car, a stable home... i'm a catch.  i think that guys just can't handle all this!  they seem to want a women who looks like a "what not to wear" reject and has more issues than national geographic.

i'm sure there are things are putting out there too, i'm not completely blameless here.  i have dad issues, a fear of abandonment, getting clingy sometimes... just a desire to be loved, but at what cost, really?  i look at me and i look at these women and i wonder, are they easier?

perhaps that's just how it goes.  for now, i can say that i really have no feelings either way about gym man.  but it's pretty fucking funny, and there will be no third chance with me, bitch.

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