Wednesday, December 11, 2013

knowing your worth

i had written this amazing blog post, but my computer did an automatic system upgrade and i lost the file.  that's what i get for writing things on notepad and not using word which backs up my work... lesson learned.

so, mountain man is back home and life is returning to normal for the district dater.  i had an amazing week with my man and i miss him.  we visited nearly all the big monuments (washington, lincoln, vietnam, WW2, white house, saw the national xmas tree and more).  we walked the old town waterfront.  we had create your own 6 packs.  two double dates.  we laughed so much, snuggled, laughed more.  he met my mom, i can't even tell you the last time i brought a guy home to meet her.  so many amazing adventures.  i'm still just as crazy for him, if not more so now, and i love that we really enjoy each others company.  between when we met in colorado and him driving to visit me last week, we've had 12 magical days together.  if he lived here, there would be no question of who i'd want to be with.  however, this blog would turn into a vomit inducing love fest... you're safe from that, for now, reader.

(okay, maybe a little vomit is good...)

i had an epihany while he was here, something i've always known but never fully realized in my conscious mind -- i'm a big damn deal, and men are lucky to have a chance with me.  i don't say this to sound arrogant, more like my father was a collosial douchebag who never showed me how a man should properly treat a women and as i've gotten older, i've idenitified the ways this has negatively affected me.  i've allowed myself, in the past, to be victimized emotionally and made to feel less than i'm worth.  my last 2 boyfriends are a great example of that.  i will no longer accept a man talking to and treating me any kind of way. and really, i have my mountain man to thank.  from rescuing me when i fell down the mountain to holding every door imaginable open for me and carrying bags from shopping, there are small subtle things he did that made me feel special, important, and loved.  a gal can get addicted to these things!

(please, one dick at a time)

while i'm holding onto the memories of an amazing 7 day adventure with my possible future husband, i know that it's not our time yet.  he lives in ohio and has his projects he's working on.  i'm in virginia working my business, becoming financially abundant, and hoping to move to colorado in the next year.  if i had it my way, we'd be re-united and live happily ever after as mountain people.  until then, it's back to the drawing board of dating.  we both decided that it's not fair to either of us to carry on a long distance relationship but i gotta say -- MM has ruined me for other men.  i don't know if it's possible to meet someone else that is such a great fit for me like he is!

the day after he left, my phone started blowing up with potential suitors.  it's like they know.  funny how that works.  the gym man from my past reared his ugly head again... fuck off.  (note to self: write a blog about the gym man).  i have several dates lined up for this week: a teacher, a chef, and a rapper.  possible dates with a musician/teacher and a TV production guy (who i made out with a couple weeks ago and my BFF doesn't care for, but i'll give him a second date).  i'd like to think i've found what i've been looking for, but in the meantime, i look forward to the company and new adventures.  until next week....

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