Friday, June 10, 2011

put me on your do not call list

a few weeks ago, i went to buffalo wild wings with my sister and her friends.  we had a fabulous time!  laughing, story telling, enjoying a friday night and great company.  i was drinking guinness, my favorite beer ever.  when it was time for a refill, lo and behold, the bartender brings me another drink.  "the man at the bar bought this for you."

(SWEET!  the only thing i love more than guinness is FREE guinness)

my sister went to the bar to try and figure out who the mystery guinness man is.  she returns and reports it's a black man.  YAY!  +1 man at the bar.  then he walked by.....  i didn't get a great look at him but he is short.  -1 man at the bar.

as we are waiting for our check, the waitress brings me a note.

(okay fine, i will go and see what this guy is about.)

as i approach the bar, the guy turns around and introduces himself.  he's wearing a black windbreaker and an adidas backpack... not sure how that is a "chef's coat".  he's wasted, eyes going all over the place and i could smell booze on his breath.  he introduces himself and tells me he saw me outside and had to talk to me.  he compliments my eyes and asks for my number right when my sister walks up to save me.

i gave him my number because i never know what to do in situations like that.  i knew it wasn't going to happen with him -- too short, too drunk, and reminds me way too much of my cheater ex.  been there, done that.  so why did i give it to him?!  ACK.  30 minutes later he's already texting me, spelling everything wrong including his name.  nice job.  he called again last night.  hoping he doesn't turn into the 2005 phone stalker!

what do you do when a man asks for your number and you're not interested?


  1. Give him a fake number, and ditch the place! I like how he spelled "please" "plz" like a 14 year old high school girl texting. Free beer though!

  2. I'm horrible about that situation -- I'm a bad liar and I'd flail and stammer too much to even just transpose a couple digits in my number or change one or something, much less give a completely fake number. With one dude, I ended up calling Verizon and having his number blocked cuz he'd text me like ALL DAY LONG and ignoring him didn't work, telling him to stop didn't work...

    At least you got a free beer out of it. ;)

  3. free beer is always a good thing. tastes better when it's free. :)

    sarah, i am the same way!!! i cannot tell a lie and it gets me into trouble sometimes. i have another story about my phone stalker from 2005. i should have called verizon on him. sheesh!

  4. I usually just ask for theirs and tell them that if I'm interested they'll hear from me. On principle, I don't give my # out to strangers.

  5. I usually say thanks for the drink, but I am seeing someone. That way you are not being rude or giving any false hope. :)

  6. Great advice, ladies. I will remember it next time I'm in this situation. Or I'll tell them I'm taken. Problem solved.

  7. I'm like you I always end up giving my number.... not to mention it's emblazoned on every flat magnetic surface of my car... It's amazing to me how often someone will text even though you NEVER EVER answer them.

  8. haha!! people are funny. this gentleman did stop calling, but he did leave several "breathing" voicemails and drunk texts. weirdos!
